Emilia Romagna Italia EXECUTIVE - CEO

Descrizione azienda

Our client is an important European Industrial Group, present with production plants in different countries and operating in the automation sector. For an important project of growth, they are looking for:


We are looking for an experienced Chief Executive Officer or CEO to supervise and control all strategic and business aspects of the Company.

First in command in the Company and Responsible for giving the proper strategic direction as well as creating a vision for success, the candidate shall have experience with the control of all strategic and business aspects of the company.

The candidate will assume responsibility for the Italian staff, oversee team initiatives, and help make robust, data-driven corporate decisions that elevate the company’s financial and operational performance.

As senior and inspiring leader at a Company fully controlled by international Group, the Chief Executive Officer will foster a positive and collaborative work environment that empowers employees to actively work toward companywide goals.

The candidate will have a business mindset and will be able to see the “big picture” in a variety of settings. She/He will take actions to enhance the company’s cash flow while keeping the human factor in perspective.

The goal is to drive the Company’s development and guide it towards long-term success.

Objectives of this role

· Develop high quality business strategies and plans ensuring their alignment with short-term and long-term objectives;

· Align the Company strategy together with the Group;

· Adjust important procedures and policies by collaborating with HR and assessing current industry trends;

· Create a positive Company culture through strong, inspirational leadership;

· Be the key representative of the company in communicating important decisions to business stakeholders and to public or institutional events.


· Oversee all operations and business activities to ensure they produce the desired results and are consistent with the overall strategy and mission;

· Lead and motivate coworkers to advance employee engagement develop a high performing managerial team;

· Provide all necessary action to keep control of P&L of the ongoing projects;

· Review financial and non-financial reports to devise solutions or improvements;

· Build trust relations with key partners and stakeholders and act as a point of contact for important shareholders;

· Analyse problematic situations and occurrences and provide solutions to ensure company survival and growth;

· Maintain a deep knowledge of the markets and industry of the Company.


Required skills and qualifications

· Master degree (or equivalent experience) in Engineering.

· Expert understanding of corporate finance and business management.

· Strong knowledge of financial, technical, and economic concepts.

· At least 5 years of experience in Managing Direction- industrial sector.

· Proven success as a senior executive managing departmental teams.

· Familiarity with regional regulatory compliance.

· Excellent communication and public speaking skills.

· Analytical abilities and problem-solving skills.

· Familiarity with diverse business functions such as marketing, PR, finance etc.

· Fluent English

Preferred skills and qualifications

· MSc/MA in business administration or relevant field

· At least 5 years of experience in Managing Direction/Automation sector

· Fluent German

Emilia Romagna Area

Altre informazioni

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