Offerte di lavoro solo we part time in Emilia Romagna

Abbiamo trovato 8 annunci di lavoro per solo we part time in Emilia Romagna

Risultati 1-8 su 8 offerte di lavoro per solo we part time in emilia romagna

STAGE SALES ASSISTANT (Bologna Gran Reno - Full-time)

06-06-2024 scad. 06-08-2024Bologna
... su tutte le nostre linee (Woman' Man' Kids' Teen &amp, Home). - Uniforme rinnovata in ogni stagione. - Costanti opportunita' di sviluppo nell'aria retail ed Headquarter a Barcellona. - Farai parte di un'azienda leader nel settore della moda' dinamica e in piena innovazione. - Ambiente di lavoro affiatato' stimolante e ambizioso. You got it? We like you!

Addetto/a alla logistica - Categorie Protette (Ex L. 68/99)

31-05-2024 scad. 31-07-2024Piacenza
... but in our team we just keep track of things and enjoy helping people to do what they do better and faster' with less fuss and fewer hitches. We plan the events and manage the guest lists' and we keep offices' processes and organisations running smoothly. Applica ora! '- Unirsi al team IKEA ha molti vantaggi che vanno oltre all'opportunit di lavorare per un'azienda globale! Farai parte di una ...
Ingka External


18-04-2024 scad. 18-06-2024Faenza Ravenna
... a recent Degree in Economics and Finance you could be part of the Purchasing Department: the staff carries out all the activities related to the purchase and procurement of the components necessary for the production, monitoring purchasing needs according to the production planning and continuously innovate procurement mechanisms to reduce time, improve quality and reduce costs. Functie-eisen ...
Randstad Italia Spa


18-04-2024 scad. 18-06-2024Faenza Ravenna
... model design for composites' lamination and gluing equipment. PURCHASING DEPARTMENT: the staff carries out all the activities related to the purchase and procurement of the components necessary for the production, monitoring purchasing needs according to the production planning and continuously innovate procurement mechanisms to reduce time, improve quality and reduce costs. Functie-eisen ...
Randstad Italia Spa


18-04-2024 scad. 18-06-2024Faenza Ravenna
... model design for composites' lamination and gluing equipment. PURCHASING DEPARTMENT: the staff carries out all the activities related to the purchase and procurement of the components necessary for the production, monitoring purchasing needs according to the production planning and continuously innovate procurement mechanisms to reduce time, improve quality and reduce costs. Functie-eisen ...
Randstad Italia Spa

Software Engineer

02-03-2024 scad. 02-05-2024Bologna • Contratto: da definire
... prestiamo attenzione e sensibilit alle future risorse appartenenti alle categorie protette' ai sensi degli articoli 1 e 18 della legge 68 del '99. I dati personali saranno trattati in conformit alle disposizioni contenute nel regolamento UE*******Ref: *****46 Data: 24 mag 2024 Esperienza: Esperienza professionale Tipologia di Contratto: Contratto a tempo indeterminato full time Localit : ...
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